Sunday, September 26, 2010

Care your sweet heart!

Another world heart day has came... Take an oath today that you will care your one and only sweet heart. Don't confuse yourself with the word 'sweet heart'-- I meant your heart - one of the most important organ in your body , beats for you all the time without any rest, telling "I am with you always"

For its caring and love , you have to give it back a little care as a token of your love. Studies show that every year around 12 million people throughout the world die of a heart attack or stroke.

Know your heart

Human heart is the strongest muscle in the body. with every heart beat, it bumbs blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. Human hearts beats about 70-80 times a minute in a person at rest.

What is heart attack ?

The heart gets oxygen and nutrients for its needs from through the blood vessels called coronary arteries. Sometimes the blood flow to the heart may cut off due to the clot (formed by the cracks of plaques, which is build up of fatty material) in the arteries, blocking the flow of blood which is enriched with nutrients and oxygen, cause damage to the organ.

Once the organ becomes damage, it will lead to heart attack. Another reason for the heart attack is the tightening of the coronary artery (spasm), cut off the flow of blood to the heart muscle.
Main cause

The main reason for the blockage is the fatty deposits in the arteries, which narrows the arteries leading to the blockage of flow of blood.

The fatty deposits could be build up by smoking or use of drugs,emotional stress or pain, unhealthy diet, not staying active.


Major symptoms are pain chest pain, pain in the left shoulder, arms, elbows and back, difficulty in breathing, vomiting, and becoming pale.
Care your heart

You have only one heart, so take care of it.. It is prevention better than cure, especially in case of heart.. here are some tips to keep it healthy.

If you smoke cigarette or use drugs-QUIT! Spend just a 30 minutes daily for some physical activities like gardening or walking or even house work will do. It gives you healthy body plus a relaxed mind. eat fruits and vegetables daily, reduce fat content food. No need of much salt for your sweet heart! As it is already 'sweet' heart, much sugar is not needed. And finally ... once you cross the age 40 check your weight, blood pressure, blood fat and blood sugar every year.

1 comment:

John Melyn said...
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